Aesthetic describes a person’s style, the clothes they choose to wear, and the way they decorate their homes. The energy style transition technique, includes your energy. The one on your vision board to create and develop your personal style.
The process is:
- Creating a vision board
- A series of quizzes
- Virtual meetings
- Closet detox
- Style inspiration
- Color ?
- Body analyst
Make a list of your style goals and values.
For example, if achieving your dream look involves losing weight, getting fitter, changing your hairstyle, or perhaps getting braces to straighten your crooked teeth, then go ahead and add images of all those activities.
Before you begin your vision board, first ask yourself these three questions:
- What do you want to communicate with your style?
- How do you want others to perceive you?
- How do you want to feel?
Capture what inspires you Collect images that represent the way how you want to look – your style icons, people who you look up to, anyone or anything that inspires you. You may also include nature, architecture, hobbies. The images don’t just have to be of clothes or other women, either.
If the “new you” would stay at a five-star hotel rather than a budget option, for example, then print out the logo of the hotel you see yourself staying in next time you visit London/New York/Milan. Get creating!
Energy styling will change your vibration; it’s a transitional technique to assist you with bringing the women in her minds eye into reality. This technique will bring her into your conscious mind, for you to embrace and become her, the her you were meant to be. The you, you see the confidence beautiful you.
n the long run saving money by investing in the right clothes.